Wednesday, January 2, 2013


Well, I wanted to start this blog since long time...when I was in Chennai and was traveling for at least 3 hours everyday. Everyday, I would observe something that was an experience, sometimes wise, sometimes funny, and some other times tragic... Well, my laziness dragged me till today for almost five years  and now I am doing the Sri Ganesha of it .. O My God! Its been five whole years!! कोई नहीं ! देर आये दुरुस्त  आये!

So, as I said, I am gonna share, in this blog,  the happenings I observe as a passive onlooker that others may also observe with equal inquisitiveness or ignore like trivia... 



  1. Oye...Sabas...keep it up....hmm some of your Artistic characters are started peeping there faces out!!!
