Sunday, June 23, 2013

An afternoon with the monsoon rain

I just came out of the building, and saw so many people waiting on its varendah.... Oh wow! It's raining! I could not know at all while I was inside this closed building! I am gonna have fun! ... n I walked out in the rain :) It was not raining that heavily... It was a smooth flowery shower :) I had to walk a little to get an auto ricksaw... thinking of the times when I would return from college n tuitions getting drenched n my mother would say, 'Hmm.. you came back drenched... I know you won't wait till the rain stops.' n she would let me in :) Hmm, in those times there were many different reasons for not stopping when it rained. In my place, in monsoon, usually rain continues for a long time, fluctuating between heavy showers to drizzles... I love everything about rain... I just cant help getting into it, smelling the scent of soil, watching raindrops smashing on to the ground, the water pouring down near a lamp post.... And when it rains, usually the road is emptier with people taking shelter in nearby shops and buildings waiting for it to stop. And the whole road is mine!... There is nothing like riding the bicycle with full speed in the middle of an empty road in rain! Its heavenly! :) But the most important thing is the power-cut that follows the rain... And it becomes really dangerous for people, especially young girls, in the dark. Its tougher for girls to protect themselves in smaller cities than metro cities... 

Any ways, with all these memories floating in, I got into a seven-sitter, n the rain became heavier... the driver was playing a bollywood melody of the 90s which just played in tune with the music of rain... a kind of resonance was happening! I could not figured out, did the song become more musical because of rain or did the rain seemed more beautiful with the song? I had very few moments to enjoy that when I had to get down... I had to walk a little to get another auto-ricksaw. As I walked with the same mood I was in the sever-sitter, I felt the gaze of other people, surprised to watch me so relaxed while everyone else was in a rush ... In the rain, even the muddy blackish water looked beautiful, the way vehicles splashed it on the road, creating the waves, the way water drops danced on the gray road, everything was nice... hmm... I got an auto-ricksaw .... after a bumpy ride for a while, the road smoothened... the rain had almost stopped and sun was shining through the clouds... everything appeared golden, and  the cool breeze was still blowing. We passed through a long stretch of Prof. CR Rao road, with trees flanking both sides of it. I always enjoy my time whenever I travel through this road... n the driver put on music.. he played some loud qawalis of 80s, which I never heard, and given a choice, will never listen to... But they too sounded beautiful at that time... may be rain makes everything more beautiful! :) 

Then when I reached my campus, the roads were wet, if there was no water clogging, the plants and trees, were drenched, holding the rain drops dearly... as if they were all smiling :)... I walked ahead... wanted to sip a cup of tea.... just I got my tea n it started raining heavily... I walked into an open hut on the amphitheater under construction... The hut and the amphitheater make a bizarre combination... There was this beautiful hut, under which everyone would sit having their snacks. The amphitheater was built in the same area, but over the hut, instead of removing... None of us could figure out why did they do so? But, the half-hut, (since its lower portion is buried under the cemented steps of the theater) gave as cool shade in the summer evenings when the heated cemented steps just did not let us sit on them. So I found a small dry space for me there and enjoyed my tea..

The sound of rain, the raindrops falling on the roof of the hut, the water flowing through the huts, the breeze, the leaves rustling, the hot air of tea mixing with the cold  air,  the blurred view of the stadium, a handsome black dog running in the rain to play with its mates ... it was just amazing!! It was my time!! My moment, I did not want to go out of there :) but I had to... As I threw away the tea cup, n walked on the wet soil, I felt the small pebbles on it brushing against my shoes.. The sound seemed more beautiful than it usually did... I came back with a smile :) I had a nice time with rain today :)