Saturday, November 28, 2015

The cab driver from Somalia

I had to take a cab one afternoon. It was a high traffic period. So in order to kill time me and my cab driver started talking. He was a nice gentleman in his 50s probably. Thanks to him I had a smooth ride and I reached on time. The conversation that followed the next 30 minutes or so was interesting. It made me peep into a different thought process, gave me an idea about different world. I am going to put down excerpts of the conversation. It may hurt peoples' religious, national sentiments and historical knowledge in general. So caution to orthodox or chauvinist people: do not read it ;). Since the conversation was a revelation to me about many aspects, I do not have any opinions about the conversation. I think it will take me long time to form an opinion about the subjects and for time being, I want to just grasp the facts with an awe. So I have decided to put them as I heard, as accurate as my memory allows me. 

  • The person has been in Boston for more than 20 years. He traveled here from Somalia long back and has been driving taxis since then. 
  • He had to appear a driving test for license renewal purpose one hour after dropping. He was sure that he would qualify. He likes to sit in class because  he likes to learn. But nothing to worry, since everyone knows him in the class due to his experience.
  • He was looking forward to get his license renewed, so that he can drive his own taxi.
  • He has family and kids back in Somalia. They moved there from Boston, so that the kids can afford cheap high school education.
  • He guessed that I am Indian (damn, we are so conspicuous!) and was curious if I was Muslim. When I said No, he was a little disappointed, nevertheless happy that he met an Indian.
  • They are 15 siblings, and the youngest of them studied at Northeastern University and is doing a decent job.
  • They are from the northern part of Somalia. It is a nice place, with mountains and people live a peaceful life there.
  • But there is a war going on in south of Somalia, and that upsets him. According to him, it all can stop if people will communicate and just ask "What do you want?" (I remember clearly, how he moved his hand in a gesture of enquiry.)
  • It is very easy for them to find job in north of Somalia. If they do not get job, it is a matter of 8 hours to travel to Saudi Arabia, Yemen or Oman, where jobs are plenty..
  • Somalia was a Italian colony during 1940s, at the time of the Mussolini regime.
  • It was better in Somalia during Mussolini's regime than it is now. Mussolini was a good guy. People may say many things, but he was a good guy.
  • In fact, Mussolini and Hitler, all these people were good.
  • (I did object that Hitler killed many people, how can he be good?). He admired  Hitler for being  a tough guy.  He killed only Jewish people. So that's okay.
  • If Prophet Mohammad is father, then Ibrahim is like their grandfather. He was a muslim.
  • Ibrahim, Prophet Mohammad, Jesus, Jewish people, Christian people all were actually Muslim people. Now Jewish are against Muslims, they claim that Ibrahim is theirs. 
  • He thinks Indian education is good, and people get really good education in India. (He was curious why did I have to move to USA).
  • He admires Indian people, since they are smart and hardworking and nice, especially smart women who are independent. It makes him feel good about his own kids. It is a treat for him to give ride to Indians. (he seemed to have some nice prior experience with Indians).