Sunday, April 8, 2018

It's getting all philosophical

On a Friday evening, four of us went out for dinner. Then we walked to a hilltop to watch the sunset from the other corner of the city. The sunset was beautiful.... Sun hid beneath the clouds, emanating its rays in all beautiful colors, and was slowly receding behind the mountains.

We had a bird's eye view of the city too, a highway running right below the hilltop, and our eyes were drawn to the mesh of roads spanning north-south and east-west, a straight line leading upto KeyArena, the beautiful Space Needle, complimenting the evening sky, the hilly terrain, houses, skyscrapers, commercial buildings, all together. The cars zooming past the highway were leaving behind a low frequency noise...zoom...zoom....zoom...

And as we savoured the scene, the following conversation took place among us..

First person: When I see this highway, I wonder how this all looked before this!

Second person: All these cars running on the highway.... why are they always running?

Third person: Some are running away from something, some are running towards something.

First person: Why do they have to keep running? Why can't they be happy where they are?

Fourth person: This is all getting philosophical ...

Then we stared at the beautiful view again :)


  1. Hmm..Now I am curious what thought must have running each mind after the last comments...

    1. interesting, I never thought of that, I don't remember what I thought either
