Sunday, January 22, 2017

The wonder in those eyes...

After I got in the bus to work (the preceding story goes here), I got a seat next to a Mom with her  few months old baby. The baby was strapped against the Mom's chest with a strapped bag. The strapped bag was holding the baby pretty robustly, I must say. Every time I see these advanced baby holding tools, I feel impressed and appreciate technology. 

Any way, the baby was super cute, with big black eyes. I could not help staring at him, and he also stared back, with lots of curiosity, as if he was just grasping everything that he was seeing when he was looking at me. I did not want to annoy his Mom. So I broke the eye contact, but nevertheless continued watching him. He was watching everything, staring at people around him, at the constantly moving road. He would let out a scream of excitement whenever he found something interesting, and whenever the scene changed, say from forests, to the mesh of concrete highways. He would shake his hands and legs briefly as he screamed, and then quickly go back to grasping all his surrounding. He was a delight to watch. His Mom would laugh every time he screamed. I got to talk to her briefly before I got down at my stop, and she said, it was her baby's first day out in the city. That explained why he was so excited, filled with wonder about everything that was going on around him!

That morning, he made my day. I wish more grown up people could wonder like that...

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